Wednesday, 29 August 2012

At the Drive-In @ Brixton Academy London 28/08/2012 review

At the Drive-In reforming is for almost any post-hardcore fan the equivalent of System of a Down reforming for a metal fan, but then to hear that this show is the last of the "Relationship of Command tour" (finishing 12 years after is started) meant that this gig had some very high expectations to live up to, especially since they have Refused to compete with who reformed at the same time. Safe to say, I had been eagerly awaiting this gig ever since it was announced that At the Drive-In had reformed.

If you take this gig out of context and ignore he significance of it, it was outstanding. The opener Arcarsenal was spine-tingling and whipped the crowd into a frenzy and the moment the chorus of One-Armed Scissor kicked in the audience seemed to erupt. The set also featured some awe-inspiring instrumentals. They showed much more control than the younger At the Drive-In in 2001, and were well worth the wait.

But, this gig was possibly their last. It should have been the send off of all send offs; instead it was just a very good gig. It was an enjoyable and aggressive hour of some of the best post-hardcore ever made and featured some great musicianship, it satisfied fans that had waited 12 years to witness an At the Drive-In gig, but it wasn't legendary and didn't quite live up to it's high expectations.

Overall rating: 5.5/10

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